Our offering partner universities for 2025
Bachelor of Business Management -Fashion Industry - Kazimierz Simonavičius University (KSU)
Study subjects Basics of Academic Writing Thesis Multimodal communication Design of experimental materials Electronic commerce Electronic marketing Finance and accounting graphic design Integrated marketing communications Intellectual property law Image ideology Composition and color research Creative industries Creative writing and creating advertising texts Anthropology of fashion Fashion photography Fashion history and industry Psychology of fashion Fashion techn
Start Date: Inquire for more Info.
Duration: 3.5 years
Level: BSc
Apply Before: 1 July
Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
Course Fee: € 3500 / Year
Master of Business Management -Cybersecurity Management - Mykolo Romerio universitetas (MRU)
STUDY PROGRAMME PLAN Course units ECTS credits 1st YEAR 45 1 SEMESTER 24 Compulsory course units 24 Economic Basics* 3 Management* 3 Decisions of E-governance and E-Democracy 6 Fundamental principals of cyber security and risk management 6 Research Methodology 6 Organisational Cyber Security Culture 6 2 SEMESTER 21 Compulsory course units 21 Privacy and Data Protection 6 Security Economics 6 Legal Environment of Cyber Security 6 Master Thesis 3 2nd YEAR 45 3 SEMESTE
Start Date: Inquire for more Info.
Duration: 2 Years
Level: MSc
Apply Before: 1-Jun
Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
Course Fee: € 4294 / Year
Master of Business Management -Electronic Business Management - Mykolo Romerio universitetas (MRU)
STUDY PROGRAMME PLAN Course units ECTS credits 1st YEAR 60 1 SEMESTER 30 Compulsory course units 30 Fundamentals of Business* 3 Management* 3 Electronic Business Information Systems 6 Legal Environment of Electronic Business 6 E-Business Strategies and Solutions 6 Entrepreneurship in Cyberspace and E-Sales 6 Technology Innovation Management and Communication 6 2 SEMESTER 30 Compulsory course units 30 E-Marketing and Marketing Investigations 6 Research Methodology 6
Start Date: Inquire for more Info.
Duration: 1.5 years
Level: MSc
Apply Before: 1-Jun
Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
Course Fee: € 4294 / Year
Master of Law -European and International Business Law (joint programme) - Mykolo Romerio universitetas (MRU)
STUDY PROGRAMME PLAN Course units ECTS credits 1st YEAR 60 1 SEMESTER 30 Compulsory course units 30 European and International Company Law 6 International Tax Law 6 International Banking Law 6 European and International Insolvency Law 6 European and International Labour Law 6 2 SEMESTER 30 Compulsory course units 30 Foreign Language (French) 6 Industrial Property Law 6 European and International Competition Law 6 International Commercial Litigation 6 Master Thesis 6
Start Date: Inquire for more Info.
Duration: 2 years
Level: MSc
Apply Before: 1-Jun
Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
Course Fee: € 4294 / Year
Master of Law -European Union Law and Governance (double degree programme) - Mykolo Romerio universitetas (MRU)
STUDY PROGRAMME PLAN Course units ECTS credits 1st YEAR 60 1 SEMESTER 28 Compulsory course units 18 Institutional System of European Union 5 European Union Foreign Policy and External Relations 4 Internal Market Law 5 Economic and Monetary Union 4 Alternatively elective course units 10 Area of Justice Freedom and Security 5 Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion Policy 5 European Union Competition Law 5 2 SEMESTER 32 Compulsory course units 22 Internship 10 Inter
Start Date: Inquire for more Info.
Duration: 1.5 years
Level: MSc
Apply Before: 1-Jun
Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
Course Fee: € 4294 / Year
Master of Finances -Financial Management - Mykolo Romerio universitetas (MRU)
Course units ECTS credits 1st YEAR 60 1 SEMESTER 30 Compulsory course units 30 Accounting* 3 Fundamentals of Law* 3 Financial and Management Accounting 6 Direct and Indirect Taxes 6 Application of Innovative Technologies in Finance 6 State and Local Government Finance 6 Corporate and Personal Finance Management 6 2 SEMESTER 30 Compulsory course units 24 Research Methodology 6 Financial Control and Audit 6 Econometric Modelling and Forecasting 6 Master Thesis 6 Alter
Start Date: Inquire for more Info.
Duration: 1.5 years
Level: MSc
Apply Before: 1-Jun
Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
Course Fee: € 4294 / Year
Master of Law -Intellectual Property Law - Mykolo Romerio universitetas (MRU)
STUDY PROGRAMME PLAN Course units ECTS credits 1st YEAR 60 1 SEMESTER 30 Compulsory course units 30 Actual Issues of Public Law 6 Topical Issues of Procedural Law 6 Actual Issues of Private Law 6 International Protection of Human Rights 6 Alternative Dispute Resolution 6 2 SEMESTER 30 Compulsory course units 30 Copyright and Related Rights 6 Patent Law 6 Enforcement of Intellectual Property 6 Intellectual Property in the Internet 6 Master Thesis 6 2nd YEAR 60 3 SEME
Start Date: Inquire for more Info.
Duration: 2 years
Level: MSc
Apply Before: 1-Jun
Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
Course Fee: Payment information will be provided in the invoices issued in your online application form.
Master of Law – International Law - Mykolo Romerio universitetas (MRU)
STUDY PROGRAMME PLAN Course units ECTS credits 1st YEAR 60 1 SEMESTER 30 Compulsory course units 12 International Human Rights Litigation 6 Dispute Settlement in Private International Law 6 Alternatively elective course units 1 18 International Humanitarian Law 6 International Law of the Sea 6 Refugee Law 6 European and International Company Law 6 International Family and Succession Law 6 Litigation in International Consumer Cases 6 2 SEMESTER 30 Compulsory course u
Start Date: Inquire for more Info.
Duration: 1.5 years
Level: MSc
Apply Before: 1-Jun
Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
Course Fee: € 4294 / Year
Master of Social Sciences -International Policy Studies - Mykolo Romerio universitetas (MRU)
STUDY PROGRAMME PLAN Course units ECTS credits 1st YEAR 60 1 SEMESTER 30 Compulsory course units 24 Contemporary Political Theory* 3 Fundamentals of Political Science* 3 Micro- and Macroeconomics* 3 International Relations and Geopolitics 6 International Political Economy 6 International Law and International Institutions 6 Research Methodology 6 Alternatively elective course units 6 Asian Community: Cultural, Political and Economic Aspects 6 Great powers and global
Start Date: Inquire for more Info.
Duration: 1.5 years
Level: MSc
Apply Before: 1-Jun
Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
Course Fee: € 4294 / Year
Master of Law- Law, Technology and Business - Mykolo Romerio universitetas (MRU)
STUDY PROGRAMME PLAN Course units ECTS credits 1st YEAR 60 1 SEMESTER 30 Compulsory course units 24 Law and Technologies: Challenges and Opportunities 6 Regulation of Fintech Industry 6 Legal Semantic Technologies 6 Games and Gamification methods for Law 6 Alternatively elective course units 1 6 Cyber Crime and Forensics 6 Privacytech: Privacy, Security and Technology 6 2 SEMESTER 30 Compulsory course units 30 Intellectual Property and Modern Technologies 6 Capital
Start Date: Inquire for more Info.
Duration: 2 years
Level: MSc
Apply Before: 1-Jun
Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
Course Fee: € 3220 / Year